What Inspired Me to Write…

Holly Huntress
4 min readNov 9, 2021


Since I was little, I’ve been writing stories. I remember a specific one I wrote about a haunted house. The irony is, I cannot write anything horror related anymore. That’s mostly because of my anxiety, but it also just scares me too much. For the most part, though, when I wrote, it was for school. I always enjoyed Language Arts, and then English in high school. Not only did I enjoy the classes, but I also won awards for my work I did in those classes. I want to share what first inspired me to write.

SIDE STORY: (Feel free to skip over)

This is not entirely unrelated, but I just wanted to share a fun little story. When I was in eighth grade, I was very self-conscious and wanted to fit in, like most middle-schoolers. Anyway, in my “Language Arts” class, because it wasn’t called English until high school, we were being assigned another prompt for letters to ourselves we were writing. A couple boys I wanted to impress around me were groaning with annoyance, so I joined in and I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS CALLED OUT FOR IT.

I was so upset and scared. I had never gotten in trouble before. But, the teacher pulled me out of the classroom and told me that she had been considering me for the “What’s the Word” award for our grade, but that my actions were making her wonder if she had chosen wrong. WHO DOES THAT. I think a lot of my anxiety around acting out, or going against authority stems from this moment. I did still end up getting the award, but I never felt the same about that teacher again. She had called me out and pulled me out — when there was a bunch of boys who had done the same as me, but since I was being held to a higher standard, I was the one who got in trouble.

So what inspired me to write…

It certainly wasn’t that traumatic experience in eighth grade. When I was in high school, I started reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. This was the first book series that I became really invested in and a little obsessed, like most girls my age. The midnight premieres for the movies were some of the most exciting and fun times of my high school career.

Not only did the Twilight books provide me with some of my most fond memories, but they were also what inspired me to become a writer.

My beginning…

I started out with writing a story eerily similar to Twilight. It was fun to write, but I knew it could never work. It followed way too closely with the Twilight story line. So, I started a new story. That one also didn’t last long for me.

I began writing my book, Haunting Memories, in my junior year of high school. I’m currently rewriting it now, and hope to have it ready sometime next year. But I have since written a whole trilogy that is now available on Amazon! (You can check it out here.)

Where I am now…

Since Twilight, I have read a few more book series that have really inspired me to keep writing. The City of Bones series and all of the books set in that world by Cassandra Clare were my biggest inspiration my latest work in progress. I love her whole writing style, and all of the formatting of her books. She does amazing with descriptions, dialogue, everything.

More recently, Sarah J. Maas’ books have become inspiration for me as well. She has a few different series that she’s written that are great in their own ways. I have read through the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, and fell in love with her writing. Now, I am working through the Throne of Glass series. I’ve only read the first book so far, but if it’s anything like the writing in ACOTAR, I know I’ll love it.

I am continually learning and improving my own writing by studying other popular authors. It’s a great excuse to read a ton of books if nothing else! I

I would love to hear your origin stories and what inspired you to write! Share them in the comments if you want!

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Holly Huntress

Author and content creator. My books - the Broken Angel series & Unbound - can be found on Amazon!