How to Use Writing Prompts

Holly Huntress
3 min readOct 5, 2021


Uses of Writing Prompts:

This may seem like a pretty straightforward thing to talk about. You look for a prompt and you write about it! But, it’s not always that easy for some people. Sometimes we have no connection with the prompt or just no interest in it. I never used writing prompts before this past year. However, I found that when I am stuck in writer’s block, taking a step away from what I’m working on really helps to get the creativity flowing again.

Using writing prompts can help give you new ideas for your own projects. Or, they can give you new writing samples to use for portfolios. They can also be used to just have some fun. I have been using writing prompts to expand my own writing skills by choosing topics that I don’t normally write about.

How to respond to writing prompts:

I am currently watching Criminal Minds for the first time in a few years. It used to be one of my favorite shows. This probably seems totally off topic — but trust me, it relates to writing prompts!

The most recent short story I wrote was for a writing contest. I have mentioned the site before, Reedsy, that gives you a handful of prompts, and you choose which one you want to respond to. A prompt I chose was about a secret agent with a special gift that they cannot tell anyone about. I don’t have any experience with writing about special agents or anything like that. But when I read the prompt, it sparked something. I knew right away I wanted to write about a character similar to one in Criminal Minds. I also knew I wanted them to be able to talk to the dead.

A great way to choose a prompt is by picking one you can either relate to or use what you know. I may have never written about a special agent before, but I had seen plenty of TV shows. I had the inspiration I needed. If none of the prompts resonate with you, pick one that seems the most challenging. Push yourself to expand your horizons.

Different Prompt Genres:

Some prompts are angled towards one specific genre, like fantasy or comedy. Other prompts can be any genre you choose, or they can be genre-blending. The prompt that I mentioned above where I was supposed to write about a special agent with a secret gift was blending the crime genre and the supernatural genre.

This goes along with expanding your horizons. If you always find yourself gravitating towards the same genres, try out a writing prompt that makes you write in a different genre. For example, I never write in the horror genre because I don’t like reading or watching anything in that category. So, I entered a contest on that was writing a short story using The Grudge as inspiration. I decided to do it against my better judgment to try to expand my writing skill set. It made me feel super uncomfortable and weird, but I actually was pretty happy with the end result.

Writing Prompts:

Now, I want you to think about everything I have talked about in this post and set out to find a writing prompt that meets your needs (or doesn’t, who knows when it may spark something!). Some great places to look are Pinterest, Reedsy, or Writer’s Digest. If you need some other tips on how to find writing inspiration, check out this post! Check out these posts for more writing prompts: 10 Creative Writing Prompts Part One, 10 Creative Writing Prompts Part Two, 10 Creative Writing Prompts Part Three.

I will leave you with this prompt, and I would love to see what you come up with!

Sometimes our dreams can become our reality…

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Holly Huntress

Author and content creator. My books - the Broken Angel series & Unbound - can be found on Amazon!