Blogging for Beginners

I figured I would share how my journey as a blogger is going. There are a few pages I follow on Facebook and I always see people asking questions about getting started. So, here is a quick overview of blogging for beginners written by a beginner!
Website and Hosting:
While researching blogging for beginners, I came across multiple websites that recommended Bluehost as a hosting site. A hosting site is just where you create your blog. I also saw a lot of recommendations for WordPress, which Bluehost uses, so win win. Of course, it does cost money to create a blog this way, but if you really want to be seen, it is an investment worth making. If you are just starting out and aren’t ready to pay for a hosting site yet, worked well for me. There are always other blogs out there that have coupon codes for all the different hosting sites, so find one and use it!
When I was choosing what I needed for my blog, as in security, domain, help, etc. it was actually cheaper to go with the premium plan rather than the basic plan after adding everything that I wanted. But, not everyone is looking for the same things in a blog, so you do you!
Securing your Site:
It is really important to have a secure site because it helps build trust with your viewers. Securing my website is where I hit my first wall. I kept seeing that I had to download a plugin or buy a security certificate. So I went the plugin route and tried to figure out how to do it all on my own. After failing, I decided to just pay for the automatic install, which ended up also not working! Thankfully after I explained to them what happened, they refunded me. After that ordeal, I decided to just call Bluehost customer service and they were so helpful! They secured my website for me lickity split! (Now I know, just ask for help!)
Designing your Site:
There are so many options for how to set up your website. On Bluehost, you choose a template and then customize it. I am sure most hosting websites work in a similar way. There are plugins and widgets you can download to add different things to your site. I started out customizing my site by creating a new header, and editing all the settings.
The settings are important because you can decide everything from whether people can comment, to who can look at your blog, and privacy. It is all based on your preference. It takes time to figure out everything you can do with your blog, but it gets easier as you play with it.
Gaining Followers:
This is the step I am currently working on: gaining more followers so I can tailor my content more to my readers. In order to gain those followers, though, I have found in my research that it is best to have a newsletter that you email out. For this, you need another plug in. Some you can do for free, others cost money. But, in order to be able to use any, you must provide an address to prove you are not spamming people. So, if you don’t want all of your email list to know where you live and you don’t have a secondary business address, you have to pay for a P.O Box. You can get an online one, which is less expensive. This is where I am currently stuck. Deciding whether I want to get a P.O. Box
I have been improvising and posting a newsletter on my Facebook. I share other cute memes and gifs there as well. It’s just another place to try and connect with other writers and readers. You can check it out and follow my Facebook page here!
Every milestone has been a bit challenging at first, but has become easier as I go along. If you ever have a real bump in the road — I highly recommend calling your blog hosting site. They can help you with any real issues that may arise.
My Milestones:
It can take awhile before blogs become successful as I have read. I am definitely still considered one of the “beginners” when it comes to blogging, but I have learned so much already. There are some smaller milestones along the way that keep me going! My first real comment (that wasn’t from my mom) came and I was so excited! Then, my first visit from a search engine click came! Another exciting feat! It’s a slow going process, but everything worthwhile takes time.
If you have any other questions about starting a blog, just ask! I may not have all the answers, but I can definitely lend some advice
Here is another post about writing and blogging tips : Enjoy!
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